Doing the right thing, the right way.

At KindWell Homecare for Virginia, our top priority is to provide quality care to all residents and patients. By working together, we believe we can create a supportive and caring atmosphere that fosters the health, independence, and dignity of all residents. To help ensure the quality of the care provided, KindWell Homecare for Virginia is committed to operating in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards.

To further these commitments, KindWell Homecare for Virginia has developed a formal Corporate Compliance Program. Part of the development of the Program explains the key legal and ethical standards that govern FutureCare’s business activities. It contains helpful guidance for reaching legal and ethical solutions to the challenges we all face in our day-to-day activities on KindWell Homecare for Virginia’s behalf. The Plan also describes the resources that are available for reporting and resolving potential problems or concerns. Thank you for doing your part.

Compliance: Utilize knowledge of policies, regulations and laws to determine what is the right thing to do.

Conscience: Utilize ethical principles to determine the right thing to do.

Conduct: Assess the alternatives for addressing the situation and decide on a course of action which will result in doing the right thing, the right way.


No matter what your role is at KindWell Homecare for Virginia, you should take great pride in the uncompromising commitment we have to provide the highest quality health care experience for people in all stages of life. This involves a personal commitment to do the right thing at all times, and in all situations, regardless of whether someone is watching. At LifeBridge Health, EVERYONE is responsible for compliance and for speaking up when something isn’t right.

The KindWell Homecare for Virginia Compliance Program is designed to educate and assist all employees on the prevention, detection, and steps to report violations of the LifeBridge Health Code of Conduct and Federal, State or local laws.

With any compliance related queries, feel free to contact us at